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Look inside Embroidered Treasures: Flowers
  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BB Hardback
  • Publication: 15 December 2017
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781782211310
  • Stock: 50+
  • Size: 216x280 mm
  • Pages: 128
  • RRP: £20
  • Series: Embroidered Treasures
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Embroidered Treasures: Flowers


Exquisite needlework of the Embroiderers' Guild Collection by Dr Annette Collinge (Author)

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Book Description

This book showcases the best of the collection’s floral-inspired embroideries, dating from the 17th century to the present day. From abstract to naturalistic, the variety of flowers shown is extraordinary, and all exhibit a level of skill and imagination that is second to none. The breathtaking beauty and intricately worked detail of these exquisite pieces will be inspirational to embroiderers and flower enthusiasts of all ages and levels of expertise for many years to come.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Embroidery in Monochrome: Blackwork and Whitework
16th century blackwork motifs
20th century blackwork with metal thread
cushion cover in brown thread
Chikan embroidery from India
Whitework sachet
Machine-made monogram panel
Mountmellick embroidery from Ireland
Embroidery on evenweave backgrounds
17th century bead work panels
Beaded evening bag, knitted
Two small beaded bags, miser’s purse
Berlin Work tea cosy
Pattern darning on net, daffodils
Two small petit point bags
17th century canvas work fragment
The fichu
Pattern darning, cornucopia 
Samplers and Samples
Sampler with boxers
Lettering sampler
RSN motif sampler
Book of samples
Nancy Kimmins roses sampler, RSN
Mary Clarke crewel work tree of life 
Needle Laces
17th century coif panel
The pea pod panel
17th century white work sampler
Oyas from Greece
White work needle lace cuff
Set of little mats, reticella centres 
Applied Materials
Ribbon work, Queen Mary’s foot cover
Fine ribbon work bag
Felt work tea cosy
Sunflower from the 1960’s
Felt work cornflower
Purple flower from the 1960’s
Neale panel
Shisha mirrors from India
Violet Geary panel
18th century slips 
Embroidery with unusual materials
Embroidery with Fish Scales
Embroidery with Straw
Embroidery on Tree Bark with Moose Hair
Embroidery on Leather
The 3 dimensional Bowl of Flowers
Embroidery with Vegetable Bags
Embroidery with Aerophane
Copper Rose by Joan Hardingham
The Use of Metal Thread
Or Nue panel
Idol’s dress, Spain
2 x sleeve bands, China
Costume fragments from India
Flower from Portugal
Pink cover from India
Queen Mary’s Dress Panel 
Stitches and More Stitches
Chenille Thread Embroidery
Kay Dennis Clematis, 3 dimensional embroidery
Shadow work mats
French Knots Panel
Perkin Knots from China
Berlin Work, Plush Stitch
Rococco Stitch 
Silk and Wool
Silk Embroidery from Japan
Blue silk Embroidery from China
Winsome Douglass Hanging
Wool Pocket from Norway
Beryl Dean Delphiniums
Silk Apron from China
Chinai Work, Chinese Immigrant work from India
17th century cushion cover, green silk 
Made by Machine
Sunflowers by Joy Clucas
Tea Cosy by Dorothy Benson
White Tulips by Audrey Walker
Dog Roses by Richard Box
Handkerchief from Switzerland
Tambour Embroidery from India 
Regular Designs
19th Century red flowers, Turkey
Rachel Evans mats
Joan Drew handkerchief sachet
12 x motifs panel, Greece
Stole from India
Yellow thread cloth from India
Eveline Quainton’s cushion cover
M. Harris table cloth 
Irregular Designs
18th century pocket
Buttercups panel Framed
Elsie Grimes Tea Cosy
Floral Panel from a Transfer Design
Floral bag, black drawstring
Cheltenham Ladies College School work panel
Flowers from Greece

About the Author

About Dr Annette Collinge

Annette Collinge has had a lifelong interest in embroidery. She is a life member of The Embroiderers’ Guild, and has been a Branch Chairman, Regional Chairman and Trustee of the Guild. She is currently part of a working party organizing exhibitions of the Collection, and is the primary contact for questions about the Collection. She is a mixed media textile artist and a member of the exhibiting group, Studio 21, a group of textile artists who bring together a creative and innovative mix of media and stitched textiles. Annette lives in Woking, UK. Her work can be seen on her website at www.annettecollinge.com


Embroiderers' Guild of America: Needle Arts Vol. 49, September 2018

The Embroiderers' Guild in the United Kingdom has published several books on a collection that originated just after World War I and now includes some 6,000 objects. The current volume focuses on the embroidered flowers. Some ninety objects are included in this volume, organised by type of embroidery. Each object has its own page, complete with a large photo of the piece and more often than not, a detail photo of it; accession information, including technique, date, place, date of origin, size, maker, donor, and accession number; and some text about the piece. View works with unusual materials, such as fish scales, straw, and moose hair, and pieces hailing from countries around the world. Use this book to learn about historic embroidery, view different techniques, or become inspired to create your own work. 


Issue March/April

Almost as soon as the Embroiderers' Guild formed in 1906, it had the beginnings of what is now a collection of 6,000 items of needlework from around the world. This book provides an intriguing glimpse inside one of the most fascinating collections of embroidery in Britain, highlighting the enduring popularity of flowers as a motif.

Collinge has selected a multitude of colourful examples of floral embroidery and divides them into chapters by style and material: monochrome embroidery (blackwork and whitework); even-weave (counted, beadwork and canvas work); samplers and samples; needle lace; applied materials; unusual materials (fish scales, straw, plastic); metal thread work; more stitches; silk and wool; machine embroidery; symmetry and irregular designs.

The examples are satisfyingly varied. In the chapter on machine embroidery we find Richard Box's Dog Roses (1980) a joyously impressionistic work next to a commercially produced whitework handkerchief from Switzerland. In other chapters, metal thread work from Spain, Portugal and India, rubs shoulders with beautiful needle lace flower garlands from Greece and Turkey and a fine British 18th century cornucopia darning sampler on linen. Collinge really has made light work of what must have been a monumental task in deciphering the themes within the collection. The resulting book is like holding a mini-museum in your hands: each embroidered item is given its own page with beautiful, detailed colour images and an engaging description, along with a brief history of the style of embroidery, its maker or provenance. This is a book that you can read at length or dip in and out of - and be guaranteed to find endless inspiration. 

Mary Corbet, www.needlenthread.com

Embroidered Treasures: Flowers is a fantastic book! Its inspirational. Its informative. Its beautiful!

For most of us who will never see a collection of embroideries like these up close and personal, this lovely book is the best way to experience them and learn about them. We can take what we learn and apply it to our own needlework pursuits. Or we can just enjoy the beauty of the pieces and appreciate the history behind them.

Its a great book for your reference library and even for your coffee table!

Workshop on the Web

Im sure that most people have heard of the Embroiderers Guild Collection which grew from donations from Guild members, including some from eminent sources even Queen Mary gave hangings and costumes.
The Guild later embarked upon a programme of purchasing carefully selected embroideries and the Permanent Collection now contains over 6,000 pieces. It is currently held by Buckinghamshire County Museum.
The book looks at floral inspiration for (mostly traditional) embroideries and the chapters are, in general, based on techniques with such titles as Embroidery on Evenweave, Needlelace etc. There is a wonderful section on unusual materials which shows work stitched on leather and tree bark as well as some incorporating fish scales and straw.

Machine embroidery is included and ranges from wonderful pieces made by trail-blazer Joy Clucas in the 1960s to Richard Boxs innovative work in the 1980s. Id have like to see a bigger selection here as I know that the Guild has some great machine embroidered artworks. However, it may be that they didnt fit the theme.

In most cases, each item is shown as an entire piece as well as a detail. There is also an excellent index, so useful for students researching a particular technique.

Hot Brands Cool Places

This is a very special book, full of the most beautiful examples of embroidery work through the ages. You will be amazed by the exquisite detail and skill shown in the examples. This most beautiful book and the stunning photographs will be a source of inspiration for generations to come. Highly Recommended! 

Dr Annette Collinge

The Embroiderers Guild was founded in 1906 by a group of sixteen women who wanted to break away from patterns and kits.  Their collection of donated items totals over 6000 and contains many valuable and unique samples of the finest embroidery.  This book focuses on floral themes and shows what can be achieved with needle and thread.This is not a book of projects but a book of pictures, suitably large format and hardback.  Embroiderers of all levels can gaze at the heights to which their craft can rise to, and anybody who hasnt taken up this craft can see what all the fuss is about.  After a brief introduction to the collection the book is divided into twelve themed sections.  These include monochromatic work, metal thread, machine, needlelace, samplers and unusual materials.  Each section introduces the theme briefly and then showcases a selection of pieces complete with short descriptions, details of size, date and place it was made and technique.  There are samples from as early as the 16th century and cover most types of embroidery including some no longer (or rarely) done.  A collar adorned with flowers made from fish scales, Berlin work from the mid 19th century, part of a kimono, evocative samplers stitched by children, a box made from tree bark adorned with embroidery, Victorian beadwork evening bags and an early piece of 16th century blackwork are a few examples.  Anybody interested in recycling will love the flowers made from plastic net bags (the sort fruit is sold in), and a machine embroidery picture using tiny scraps of fabric.  This is a beautiful book to display on your coffee table and dip into when you want some inspiration. 

Print friendly version

Also by this author:

Embroidered Treasures: Animals

Embroidered Treasures: Animals

By Dr Annette Collinge


Embroidered Treasures: Birds

Embroidered Treasures: Birds

By Dr Annette Collinge


Embroiderers’ Guild Transfers Collection

Embroiderers’ Guild Transfers Collection

By Dr Annette Collinge


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