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Learn Watercolour Landscapes Quickly
  • Publisher: Pavilion
  • Edition: BB Hardback
  • Publication: 11 June 2020
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781849945936
  • Stock: 33 in stock
  • Size: 196x150 mm
  • Pages: 112
  • RRP: £9.99
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Learn Watercolour Landscapes Quickly


by Hazel Soan (Author)

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Book Description

One of the best art teachers in the world teaches you how to get to grips with watercolour landscapes in an afternoon. Hazel Soan is a hugely successful painter in her own right but also an outstanding teacher and author of art books, which have introduced the wonders of art to a generation of amateur artists.

In this book she reveals the basics of watercolour landscapes that can get any beginner started with lots of simple exercises and step-by-step demonstrations. That lifelong ambition to paint somewhere that is important to you is possible.

Chapter 1 covers Creating Space, including depth and distance, 'game of tones', perspective, warm and cool colours, background, middle ground and foreground. Chapter 2 is Composition and Focus with guidance on inspiration, design, focus, leading lines, and figures in the landscape. Describing Light is Chapter 3 with techniques on sources of light, angle of light, light and shadows, and seasons. Chapter 4 is Colours of the Landscape, mixing watercolours, transparent and opaque, choosing colours, cool or warm blue, mixing greens, warm reds and yellows. Watercolour Painting Techniques in Chapter 5 include painting 'en plein air', brushwork, wet on dry, wet into wet etc., laying a wash and creating texture. She also covers specific landscape themes skies, foliage, forests, fields, grasses, gardens, rivers and lakes, mountains, seascapes, wilderness, desert, urban landscapes, panoramas and sunsets.

About the Author

About Hazel Soan

Hazel Soan is a popular and successful artist who divides her time between London, UK and Cape Town, South Africa, exhibiting her work widely. She has her own gallery in Fulham, London. She is author of several best-selling books and a range of successful DVDs. She was one of the art experts in the popular Channel 4 TV series Watercolour Challenge. The very successful Learn Watercolour Quickly, Essence of Watercolour and Watercolour Rainbow are also by Hazel Soan.

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