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Rosie Sanders' Roses
  • Publisher: Pavilion
  • Edition: BB Hardback
  • Publication: 05 September 2019
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781849945523
  • Stock: 10 in stock
  • Size: 245x310 mm
  • Pages: 144
  • RRP: £30
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Rosie Sanders' Roses


A celebration in botanical art by Rosie Sanders (Author)

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Book Description

Award-winning and hugely popular artist Rosie Sanders showcases the beauty of the rose in her follow up to Rosie Sanders' Flowers. Over 80 stunning  paintings and sketches are shown for the first time. The artist writes a personal letter on each of her rose paintings (to be given unopened to the final recipient or buyer of the painting). Many of these personal letters sit alongside the paintings, as they explain the creative and emotional process she went through to create it. The book is a revealing insight into the artist's muse and the author's sketches and drawings are also included to show the full artistic process.

The book is introduced by an extended essay on the resonance of the rose all across the world in our art, literature, poetry, folklore and gardens. The rose emblem is timeless and this book not only celebrates its beauty in art but tells the story of the rose as one of nature's most powerful motifs.

About the Author

About Rosie Sanders

An artist and author of several published books, Rosie Sanders's work has been displayed in many galleries, including the Shirley Sherwood Gallery of Botanical Art in Kew Gardens and the Park Walk Gallery since 2002. She has also been awarded five Gold medals by the Royal Horticultural Society and won the Royal Academy miniature award.


Leisure Painter

Following on from her previous book - Rosie Sanders Flowers - Rosie Sanders' Roses focuses on the beauty of the rose, with over 80 new paintings. The author's sketches and drawings are also included to show the artist's painting process. Rosie writes a personal letter for each of her rose paintings, which is given to the recipient when they purchase or receive their painting. Many of these personal letters are included in the book, revealing the thoughts and emotions that went into their creation.

An extended essay on the resonance of the rose introduces the book, celebrating its place in history.

Print friendly version

Also by this author:

Rosie Sanders' Flowers

Rosie Sanders' Flowers

By Rosie Sanders


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