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Painting Abstracts
  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 17 July 2008
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781844483365
  • Stock: 50+
  • Size: 225x225 mm
  • Pages: 176
  • RRP: £12.99
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Painting Abstracts


Ideas, projects and techniques by Rolina van Vliet (Author)

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Book Description

Clear, challenging and inspiring, this book contains instructions for 65 abstract paintings that you can get to work on straight away, with no previous experience. All the basic information relating to picture elements, composition, theme and design is provided at the start of the book, together with an exploration of the meaning of abstract painting, and its importance as a means of self-expression and creativity.

Rather than providing step-by-step instructions, each of the exercises consists of information on method, materials, technique, composition, imagery and structure which will direct you to the finished piece while at the same time allowing your creativity to flow.

Table of Contents

The abstract method of painting
Why abstract
What is abstract
Our tools
The practical side
How does it work
Primary picture elements
Secondary picture elements
technique and materials
theme and project
continuing by yourself

About the Author

About Rolina van Vliet

Rolina van Vliet has studied at the Academy of Physical Education in Groningen, the teacher training department of Amsterdam College, and the fine arts department at the Free Academy in The Hague. She now teaches at various centres for artistic training, and has developed a new method of painting based on abstract painting. Her work varies from abstract expressionism to lyrical abstract painting, with the emphasis on spontaneity and dynamics, and with a clear preference for total abstraction. She regularly exhibits her work, has written articles for art magazines and runs workshops and courses on abstract art.


International Journal of the Guild of Silk Painters

Winter 2016

Abstract painting is one of life's little mysteries to me, however much I admire and I try I never seem to achieve a satisfactory abstract acceptable maybe but not good. This book gives indicators on approaches to abstract. There are 50 exercises which with a little thought by using gutta, soy wax, dyes, silk tops, and applying scraps of rough textured silk fabrics to smooth Habotai interesting results can be achieved. I would love this for my own collection. This is using 'play' constructively to promote your own individual style.


March 09

Ive always been interested in good abstract work, but have never seen an instruction book as wonderful as yoursIts obvious that you have put a lot of love and hard work into this fabulous introduction to this exciting, challenging and always playful expression. You have inspired me to kick-start my painting after many years.-Patricia Cramer, South Africa


Oct 08

This is a book of ideas for working in a purely abstract style, but also one which suggests ways of seeing and working by means of a series of exercises that introduces 65 different approaches.

These exercises are the heart of the book and each one is arranged across two pages with a finished painting on the right and, on the left, notes which explain the artists intention and the techniques used to achieve it.

Abstraction is as much a state of mind and a way of seeing as anything else. It doesnt really have techniques of application that are any different to conventional painting. so what it comes down to is structure, shape and colour. As such, its a difficult subject to teach - and an even more difficult one to teach through a book - because you either understand the mindset behind it or you dont. If you look at an abstract and think, my dog could do better than that, then its a reasonable assumption that this is not for you. If, however, youre intrigued by the subject but dont feel you know where to start, then this book will help you a long way towards the end of the road. The simple, straightforward, approach removes pretty much all the mystique and the rigidly standardised layout means that youll feel at home pretty quickly and wont have to spend a long time re-acclimatising yourself every time you turn a page.

Print friendly version

Also by this author:

Abstracts: 50 Inspirational Projects

Abstracts: 50 Inspirational Projects

By Rolina van Vliet


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