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My First Knitting Book
  • Publisher: Cico Books
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 11 July 2013
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781782490395
  • Stock: 4 in stock
  • Size: 208x276 mm
  • Pages: 128
  • RRP: £9.99
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My First Knitting Book


35 Easy and Fun Knitting Projects for Children aged 7 years+ by Susan Akass (Author)

Book Description

Learn how to knit different stitches and patterns and you'll soon be making all sorts of fun items. Divided into four chapters, the book includes a level of 1, 2, or 3 for every project, and comes with easyto-read instructions and adorable, step-by-step artworks that will guide you along the way. In Accessories you'll find cute little bow hair clips and decorative buttons, a panda hat, fingerless gloves, a keyring charm, and lots more. Warm & Cozy has pretty mouse mittens, an earflap hat, and a cowl. Then you can have a go at Bedroom Essentials, and try making a heart cushion or a caterpillar doorstop for your room. Lastly, Playtime has cute ideas for toys and other pretty things you'll love to make, such as an alien, a rag doll, and a doctor's stethoscope. Finally, the basic techniques section covers every knitting technique you'll need to know, as well as yarns, needles, and stitches.

About the Author

About Susan Akass

Susan Akass is the general editor of the 'My First' children's craft series, published by Cico Kidz, as well as the author of many popular reading scheme books and children's picture books. Susan is also a full-time primary school teacher. She is based in Bath.

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