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Watercolour Landscapes Step-by-Step
  • Publisher: Search Press
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 22 October 2020
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781782217855
  • Stock: Temporarily Out of Stock
  • Size: 204x260 mm
  • Pages: 160
  • RRP: £12.99
  • Series: Painting Step-by-Step
More Information

Watercolour Landscapes Step-by-Step


by Geoff Kersey (Author)

Book Description

This comprehensive guide to painting landscapes in watercolour features the expert tuition of six renowned watercolour artists. It covers all aspects of painting, from materials and techniques through to planning a painting, sketching and perspective. Learn the techniques of wet into wet, spattering, dry brushing, lifting out and using salt to create texture and interest, and follow the step-by-step demonstrations to create realistic water, skies, reflections and buildings, as well as mood and atmosphere. With nine beautiful projects to try, and numerous examples of the authors' work to inspire you, this is the ideal introduction to landscape painting for artists of all abilities.

This book includes material previously published in the highly successful Step-by-Step Leisure Arts series and the Watercolour Tips and Techniques series.

Table of Contents






Planning a painting



Snow scene step-by-step



Deep water step-by-step

Lively water step-by-step

Shallow water step-by-step

Sea and sky

Gower coast step-by-step

Reflections in the sand step-by-step

Buildings in the landscape step-by-step

Oast houses step-by-step

The fish market, Venice step-by-step

Mood and atmosphere

Frosty morning step-by-step


About the Author

About Geoff Kersey

Geoff Kersey is an experienced watercolourist and is much in demand as a teacher and demonstrator. He lives and works in Derbyshire, where he has a studio, and he exhibits extensively. He has made many watercolour DVDs, contributes to various art publications and has written many best-selling watercolour books. He now runs highly successful online tutorials via his website www.watercolourlandscapes.co.uk


Leisure Painter, The

July 14

This new compilation offers a comprehensive guide to painting landscapes in watercolour, showing the results achievable with very different painting styles. There is information on materials, colour mixing, techniques including spattering and dry brush, sketching, composition, perspective and tone. Eleven step-by-step demonstrations put all this information into practice.


Apr 14

This is another of Search Presss bind-ups of previous material and Im still not sure whether Ive reviewed it before or not or maybe in a slightly different guise. Theyve got very good at this latterly and, rather than obvious joins where one book ends and another begins, the whole thing is now seamless. The material may not be new, but its still sound and the reproduction is as fresh as it ever was, so this isnt resurrecting a corpse but bringing excellent material to a potential new audience at a very affordable price. As well as some technical pieces on things like perspective and composition, demonstrations from popular authors cover trees, water, snow, buildings and so on (and on). If you have other books by these authors, youd need to check for duplication but, equally, theres so much here, you probably wont be getting too much cross-over. If you only have a small library and are on a budget into the bargain, you could do a great deal worse than invest in this.

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