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Jelly Roll Baskets & Bags
  • Publisher: Annie's
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 10 November 2021
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781640254695
  • Stock: 6 in stock
  • Size: 216x276 mm
  • Pages: 48
  • RRP: £7.99
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Jelly Roll Baskets & Bags


11 creative designs using 2 1/2"-wide strips by Carolyn S. Vagts (Author)

Book Description

Use your jelly rolls strips measuring 2 1/2" wide to create 11 creative designs. Use leftover strips, precuts or strips you cut yourself to make projects ranging from casserole carriers, catchall baskets, lunch bags, purses and more. Make projects to use for yourself or to give as gifts.

About the Author

About Carolyn S. Vagts

Carolyn S. Vagts is a wife, mother, grandmother, quilt designer and the editor of Quilter's World. She also has a successful quilt shop in Lake Orion, Michigan, USA. Carolyn has made a name for herself in the quilting world with her award-winning techniques of mixing traditional piecing with fusible-art appliqué. Carolyn's designs have been published regularly in several magazines, including Quilter's World. She is the author of Learn to Quilt From Start to Finish, I Can QuiltLearn to Quilt with Panels and Learn to Make Quilted Mug Rugs . She also lectures and teaches workshops to guilds.


British Patchwork & Quilting

A selection of eleven bags, baskets and fabric bowls using 2 1/2" wide strips of fabric. Most are aimed at beginners or confident beginners. Many require lining fabric, interfacing or other specialised stabilisers. Some for carrying food, such as the Nantucket Casserole Carrier, use heat-reflective fleece.

There are full-sized patterns to trace for the bags and basket bottoms and there is also a Quilting Basics page at the end of the book.

Several of the projects use similar techniques which is described well with diagrams, which are perhaps a little small. Hints and tips are provided as you go and the photography is good to help with construction. Some of the bags are easily seen in these images. These would make lovely gift bags for presents or excellent gifts in their own right. They would also be perfect for craft fairs or as charity makes. An interesting way to use up your fabric strips. The British Patchwork & Quilting Book of the Month.

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Machine Quilting for Beginners

Machine Quilting for Beginners

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Year of Pot Holders 2

Year of Pot Holders 2

By Carolyn S. Vagts


Stained Glass Medallions

Stained Glass Medallions

By Carolyn S. Vagts


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