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The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs
  • Publisher: Storey Publishing
  • Edition: BB Hardback
  • Publication: 15 February 2013
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9781603427388
  • Stock: Temporarily Out of Stock
  • Size: 210x235 mm
  • Pages: 256
  • RRP: £17.99
More Information

The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs


Techniques for Creating 80 Yarns by Sarah Anderson (Author)

Book Description

Every good knitting project begins with great yarn. In the quest for one-of-a-kind fibres, many knitters and weavers have discovered the deep satisfaction of spinning one's own. An art in itself, spinning requires an array of basic technical skills and decisions to produce a particular style of yarn. While knitters have long had stitch dictionaries to guide their hands, no similar resource has existed for spinners. Until now. The Spinner's Book of Yarn Designs is a step-by-step guide to creating 70 distinctive yarns, from classics such as mohair boucle to novelty features like supercoils. Lush, full-colour photographs illustrate the process of turning fleece into yarn, reveal the architecture of each yarn, and demonstrate exactly how to manipulate and combine the fibres to achieve the desired result. Images of knitted and woven pieces reveal how the spun yarn looks in a variety of projects.

About the Author

About Sarah Anderson
Sarah Anderson has been spinning since the age of 13. She teaches at many venues, including SOAR (Spin-Off Autumn Retreat), and has contributed knit designs to All New Homespun and Handknit. One of her custom techniques, which she calls "wrap and roll", was featured on the cover of Spin-Off magazine in 2008. Sarah lives in Washington State.

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