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  • Publisher: Harper Collins
  • Edition: BC Paperback
  • Publication: 06 February 2006
  • ISBN 13/EAN: 9780007203277
  • Stock: 7 in stock
  • Size: 82x117 mm
  • Pages: 192
  • RRP: £6.99
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Techniques & tips for successful sketching by Jackie Simmonds (Author)

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Book Description

Jackie starts by describing all the different media used for sketching, including pencils, charcoal, coloured pencils, pens, pastels, watercolours and gouache, as well as the different types of sketchbooks.
She then looks at the basic techniques of sketching, emphasizing the importance of observation and showing how to make marks, use tone, create 3-D form and portray pattern.
She then covers a wide range of subjects, such as plants and flowers, skies, animals, the urban landscape, and figures and portraits, explaining how to compose your sketches and giving useful tips about sketching on the move. There's also a fascinating section on sketching from the Masters, to provide additional inspiration.
The instruction is clear and concise throughout, providing an ideal resource for artists of all levels to dip into when sketching out on location.

Table of Contents

Simple, practical advice on how, where and what to sketch
Covers all media, from pencils, pens, charcoals and conté to pastels, watercolour and gouache
Essential tips on sketching plants and flowers, landscapes, buildings, water, the coast and figures

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